Now and forever a wonderful journey. . .

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a simple step. .Take a peek-a-boo on my journey. . .the soul of which is liberty,to think,to feel and to do as I please....

Monday, March 7, 2011

so do we

CHANGE is what we all cherish. But do we really understand the changes we go through in our lives? Look out of the window pane near you. Do you see life? Do you see the seasons? Are they changing? Well, then, look carefully...sometimes when you look out the window  you feel the warmth caress your face, the eternal summer breeze that seem to behold us and promise to never leave, that which assures us of warmth and security in life always…. But the next time you take a peek, you simply don’t get what you’re hoping to see. Rather you’re faced with a harsh gust of wind, and you realize that despite its warm and tender promises, summer has indeed left and brought in her place , winter that makes your heart go cold…nothing in life stands still. It’s a perpetual cycle and by and by we tend to adapt along with the seasons, anticipate the biting winters, and embrace the sunny springs, shelter from monsoons and so on…
Seasons tell us something, a truth that we all know deep down but fail to come to terms with... Seasons change and invariably so do we. How many times in life would we have reached those cross roads in life where we have to leave behind ‘the life we lived’ and move ahead to yet another chapter?  How many times would be have promised those near and dear to us that ‘things won’t change and that ‘we’ll be together forever’…yet time changes everything. As the summer leaves melt into autumn so do our thoughts, feelings, views and in turn relationships. We harden over the bleak autumns, ski through winter, welcome spring with fresh notions and views and then of course comes back to summer. But no two summers are similar. And no one can come back to being their old selves. We might eventually come back to who we were once but then again, we realize that what we left behind took a turn to change for the better too.
The only thing that never changes is change itself. It continues to lurk in every nook and corner of our life, waiting to pounce at routine and give our lives a good shake. Today with life moving at such breakneck speed that we fail to even notice seasons changing , be it summer , pouring, fall or snowing we go about doing out own thing, so immersed in our life that we seldom look back at who we were a few seasons back, we never give introspection a second thought .. To those good old summers we spent with our first best friend who is now goodness knows where… those times you could cuddle up with a good book in your mother’s arms, to those days when you believed true love existed with your high school sweetheart…
life is like the seasons, they are so vivid and distinct and each phase of it brings a fresh wave of memories to behold, like the seasons we all have a period of sunny happiness, spring full joy, snowy winters yet through these bouts of joy the wet monsoons of trauma and sorrow also find their way into our lives… and like the seasons we learn to live through each period and await the next season with a smile no matter what it hold in store for us.
Let’s embrace change and all that comes with it... Like the seasons they bring along experiences to be treasured. Happy days give us memories to behold while harsh ones like a stormy autumn gives us lessons to remember so that we are better prepared for the future…
So lets live every moment of our life, forgive easily, laugh loudly, dream bravely, reach out to near and dear , follow your heart’s little voice and venture out to where it leads you and  make every moment count while it is in our hands  for who knows what the next season has in store for us?
With these changes of seasons, temperatures and our own beings it is often a time that we begin to ponder yesterday, and consider what lies ahead. We try to ready ourselves
but at the same time have a few regrets, of things that did not get done or quite get done or could have been done differently and great moments where your wishes came to life. Yet we put those at the back of our minds and plunge into another season. And the seasons change and so do we. ‘

seasons greetings

Here’s an ode to you and me
A tad more than what you really see
For I don’t merely come and go
But with the feel and souvenirs and so much more

When I’ve got my sunny side up
I bring the shine and warmth of a buttercup
You call me summer the season of love
Of sand castles and seashells on a sunny beach cove

I’m warm, I ‘m bubbly and I ‘m here to please
Shine I do mightily on you till your love for me ceases to be
Then you wish I went behind a cloud
“Its time I change” I say out loud

I turn away and go sober and bleak
Gone is my sunny self, not even a peek
I fall into a stupor and shed tears of leaves
And you call me autumn, the season of relief

As months go by I come out of my shell
And puff out my cheeks and blow and swell
I charge out trailing snow, ice and hail
My breath cold and fierce like a blowing gale
 You greet me with joy skate about my trail
But as I get stronger you rush for shelter
And ward me off with fire as warm as my summery self
You wish my sunny self was here to get you warm as toast
And I laugh out biting cold and to myself I boast!

As a new year dawns bright and clear
I revive from my cocoon of ice, to treat my near and dear
With a spring in my leap, I kiss the flowers to bloom
I cheer the birds to sing and melt away gloom…

As you dance around celebrating the time
I sigh to see your lives, so much like mine

When I was there to please, you wish for me to fade
And when I turned away you begged for me to stay
For in life too, we never stay the same,
Change is a must, be it name or fame
My final words to you is to change for the right reason
And you’ll find me greeting you, as yet another season…

Yours truly